
Phantom Forces Combined Rank Calculator

Name Rank XP
Name Rank XP

Total XP: 0

Total Rank: 0

Basic Usage

The Math

XP from Rank is calculated using this formula, where n is Rank:

Rank to XP Calculation

Rank from XP is calculated using this formula, where n is Rank:

XP to Rank Calculation

Some Notes

Made this because

  1. I don’t want to use a Roblox game or spreadsheet and;
  2. Fun!

Totally did not spend 30 minutes trying to figure out how to run and test it locally with Jekyll and Bundler! Had to run it as root for some reason. Also can’t get LaTeX formatting :/

Anyway, if you want to see the derivation of the formulas, you can DM me on Discord parallaxis11

Planning on adding some QoL improvements (removing accounts, styling, etc.)

In the meantime, you can submit issues if you see any bugs :3