Popcorn Hack 1: Create a Simple Combat System for Your RPG Game

Popcorn Hacks: Create a Simple Combat System for Your RPG Game

Develop a basic combat system that allows characters to engage in battles with enemies. This will help you practice using functions, conditionals, and basic game mechanics in JavaScript.

Popcorn Hack Part 1 - 1: Using initializeData Function
  1. Add speed to the initializeData(data = null) function and give it a default value.
  2. Add seed to the HTML output.
  3. Add speed to the JSON data.
  4. Test calling initializeData with no argument, and then using a data JSON object as an argument.
Popcorn Hack Part 1 - 2: Adding IJKL Key Conditions in handleKeyDown
  1. Add a case statement for each of the IJKL keys in the handleKeyDown({ keyCode }) switch statement.
  2. Send the key code for each IJKL key to the gameObject.handleKeyDown method.
  3. Use console.log() to output gameObject.

Popcorn Hack 1: Using initializeData Function
  1. Add an if statement to compare two values.
  2. Use console.log() to print an output.
  3. Create a boolean variable, and use it in another if statement.

Popcorn Hack 2: Creating a Simple Attack System
  1. Add a boolean variable named canAttack, and set it to false.
  2. Use an if statement to check if the player can attack.
  3. If canAttack is false, output “Can’t attack.”
  4. Use Math.random() to determine if the player is allowed to attack. (Tip: Use ChatGPT for help with Math.random() if needed!)
  5. This will pick a random number to decide if the attack can happen.
  6. Use console.log() for all outputs.

Popcorn Hack 3: Level Requirement Check
  1. Use the ternary operator to create an output if the player meets the level requirements.
  2. If not, output a message telling the player they are under-leveled.
  3. Use console.log() to print your output.

// Popcorn Hack 1 - 2
class GameObject {
    constructor() {
        this.velocity = { x: 0, y: 0 };
        this.direction = '';
        this.xVelocity = 1;
        this.yVelocity = 1;

    handleKeyDown({ keyCode }) {
        switch (keyCode) {
            case 87: // 'W' key
                this.direction = 'up';
            case 65: // 'A' key
                this.direction = 'left';
            case 83: // 'S' key
                this.direction = 'down';
            case 68: // 'D' key
                this.direction = 'right';
            case 73: // 'I' key
                this.direction = 'up';
            case 74: // 'J' key
                this.direction = 'left';
            case 75: // 'K' key
                this.direction = 'down';
            case 76: // 'L' key
                this.direction = 'right';

// Example usage
const gameObject = new GameObject();
console.log('Initial State:', gameObject);

gameObject.handleKeyDown({ keyCode: 87 }); // Simulate 'W' key press
console.log('After W Key Press:', gameObject);

gameObject.handleKeyDown({ keyCode: 65 }); // Simulate 'A' key press
console.log('After A Key Press:', gameObject);

gameObject.handleKeyDown({ keyCode: 83 }); // Simulate 'S' key press
console.log('After S Key Press:', gameObject);

gameObject.handleKeyDown({ keyCode: 68 }); // Simulate 'D' key press
console.log('After D Key Press:', gameObject);

gameObject.handleKeyDown({ keyCode: 73 }); // Simulate 'I' key press
console.log('After I Key Press:', gameObject);

gameObject.handleKeyDown({ keyCode: 74 }); // Simulate 'J' key press
console.log('After J Key Press:', gameObject);

gameObject.handleKeyDown({ keyCode: 75 }); // Simulate 'K' key press
console.log('After K Key Press:', gameObject);

gameObject.handleKeyDown({ keyCode: 76 }); // Simulate 'L' key press
console.log('After L Key Press:', gameObject);
<IPython.core.display.Javascript object>

<!-- Popcorn Hack 1, 1-1, 2, 3 -->
<output id="output"></output>

function intializeData(data = null) {
    // Define default values
    let scaleFactor = 9/16;
    let animationRate = 1;
    let position = [0, 0];
    let speed = 10; // Default value for speed

    // Check if data is provided
    if (data) {
        scaleFactor = data.SCALE_FACTOR || scaleFactor;
        animationRate = data.ANIMATION_RATE || animationRate;
        position = data.INIT_POSITION || position;
        speed = data.SPEED || speed; // Assign speed from data if available

    if (speed > 8) {
        console.log("Speed cap exceeded!");

    document.getElementById("output").innerHTML = `
        <p>Scale Factor: ${scaleFactor}</p>
        <p>Animation Rate: ${animationRate}</p>
        <p>Initial Position: ${position}</p>
        <p>Speed: ${speed}</p> <!-- Add speed to HTML output -->

var data = {
    SCALE_FACTOR: 1/1,
    INIT_POSITION: [100, 100],
    SPEED: 20 // Add speed to JSON data

// Uncomment one of the following lines to test the if statement in the function

// Popcorn Hack 2: Creating a Simple Attack System
let canAttack = false;

if (canAttack) {
} else {
    console.log("Can't attack.");

canAttack = Math.random() > 0.5;

if (canAttack) {
    console.log("Attack allowed!");
} else {
    console.log("Attack denied.");

// Popcorn Hack 3: Level Requirement Check
let playerLevel = 5;
let requiredLevel = 10;

let levelCheck = playerLevel >= requiredLevel ? "Level requirement met." : "You are under-leveled.";



Option 1: Create a simple combat system.

  • Allow characters to fight enemies.
  • Use basic functions and conditionals in JavaScript.
  • Focus on making it easy to understand how battles work.

Option 2: Make a dialogue system for your NPC (Non-Player Character).

  • Use the prompt() function to ask the player for a response (choose a number from 1 to 4).
  • This dialogue should appear when the player gets close to the NPC and presses a button.


Additional Tips:

  • For Option 1:
    • Start by writing down what the characters and enemies will be. Create simple names and attributes (like health).
    • Use console.log() to print out what's happening at each step. This will help you understand the flow of your code.
    • Look for example code online to see how others have created combat systems. Don't be afraid to borrow ideas!
  • For Option 2:
    • Plan out the dialogue options before you start coding. Write them down in a list.
    • Use comments in your code to remind yourself what each part does. For example, // Ask the player for a response.
    • Test your code frequently. After writing a few lines, run it to see if it works before adding more.

// Complex Combat System
class Character {
    constructor(name, health, attackPower) {
        this.name = name;
        this.health = health;
        this.attackPower = attackPower;

    attack(enemy) {
        if (this.health > 0) {
            let damage = Math.floor(Math.random() * this.attackPower);
            enemy.health -= damage;
            console.log(`${this.name} attacks ${enemy.name} for ${damage} damage.`);
        } else {
            console.log(`${this.name} is unable to attack because they are defeated.`);

class Enemy {
    constructor(name, health, attackPower) {
        this.name = name;
        this.health = health;
        this.attackPower = attackPower;

    attack(character) {
        if (this.health > 0) {
            let damage = Math.floor(Math.random() * this.attackPower);
            character.health -= damage;
            console.log(`${this.name} attacks ${character.name} for ${damage} damage.`);
        } else {
            console.log(`${this.name} is unable to attack because they are defeated.`);

// Example usage:
let hero = new Character("Hero", 100, 20);
let monster = new Enemy("Monster", 80, 15);

while (hero.health > 0 && monster.health > 0) {
    if (monster.health > 0) {

if (hero.health > 0) {
    console.log(`${hero.name} wins!`);
} else {
    console.log(`${monster.name} wins!`);
<IPython.core.display.Javascript object>

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