Mathematical Operators in JavaScript

1. Addition

  • Operator: +
  • Description: Adds two numbers together.
  • Example:
    let a = 5;
    let b = 3;
    let result = a + b; // result is 8

2. Subtraction

  • Operator: -
  • Description: Subtracts the second number from the first.
  • Example:
    let a = 5;
    let b = 3;
    let result = a - b; // result is 2

3. Multiplication

  • Operator: *
  • Description: Multiplies two numbers.
  • Example:
    let a = 5;
    let b = 3;
    let result = a * b; // result is 15

4. Division

  • Operator: /
  • Description: Divides the first number by the second.
  • Example:
    let a = 15;
    let b = 3;
    let result = a / b; // result is 5

5. Modulus (Remainder)

  • Operator: %
  • Description: Returns the remainder after division of one number by another.
  • Example:
    let a = 10;
    let b = 3;
    let result = a % b; // result is 1

6. Exponentiation

  • Operator: **
  • Description: Raises the first number to the power of the second.
  • Example:
    let a = 2;
    let b = 3;
    let result = a ** b; // result is 8

7. Increment

  • Operator: ++
  • Description: Increases a variable by 1.
  • Example:
    let a = 5;
    a++; // a is now 6

8. Decrement

  • Operator: --
  • Description: Decreases a variable by 1.
  • Example:
    let a = 5;
    a--; // a is now 4

9. Unary Negation

  • Operator: -
  • Description: Converts a positive number to negative, and vice versa.
  • Example:
    let a = 5;
    let result = -a; // result is -5

10. Unary Plus

  • Operator: +
  • Description: Attempts to convert the operand to a number.
  • Example:
    let a = "5";
    let result = +a; // result is 5 as a number

11. Assignment with Operators

  • Addition Assignment: +=
    let a = 5;
    a += 3; // a is now 8
  • Subtraction Assignment: -=
    let a = 5;
    a -= 3; // a is now 2
  • Multiplication Assignment: *=
    let a = 5;
    a *= 3; // a is now 15
  • Division Assignment: /=
    let a = 15;
    a /= 3; // a is now 5
  • Modulus Assignment: %=
    let a = 10;
    a %= 3; // a is now 1
  • Exponentiation Assignment: **=
    let a = 2;
    a **= 3; // a is now 8

Example: Incrementing and Decrementing by More Than 1

You can increment or decrement a variable by more than 1 using the += and -= operators.


  • Use += to increment a variable by a specific number.
  • Use -= to decrement a variable by a specific number.

    JavaScript Example:

    ```javascript let count = 10; // Increment by 5 count += 5; console.log(“After incrementing by 5:”, count); // Output: 15 // Decrement by 3 count -= 3; console.log(“After decrementing by 3:”, count); // Output: 12

Popcorn Hack One

Change the number below and change one mathematical opperation to your liking.


// JavaScript Hack: Even or Odd Transformation with Notebook Display

let origNum = 7; // Original number
let num = origNum; // Change this number to test different values

// Check if number is even or odd, and then transform
num % 2 === 0 
  ? (num /= 2) // If even, divide by 2
  : (num **= 3); // If odd, cube it

// Display initial and final result in Jupyter Notebook cell
element.append("Original number: " + origNum);
element.append("Transformed number: " + num);

<IPython.core.display.Javascript object>