Variables Hacks

Taught by Aria, Cason, and Ethan

Popcorn Hack 1: Variable Naming, and Strings in JavaScript


  1. Open a new cell and set its type to Code.

  2. Using the correct variable naming case for JavaScript

  3. Create a string variable for "gameQuestion" and let it equal: "My favorite video game is "

  4. create a variable for "gameAnswer" and let it equal: your favorite game

  5. output your gameQuestion and gameAnswer to the console [EX: console.log(gameQuestion + gameAnswer);]

  6. Open your console and see if it displayed the correct message


let gameQuestion = "My favorite video game is ";
let gameAnswer = "Destiny 2";
console.log(gameQuestion + gameAnswer);
<IPython.core.display.Javascript object>

Popcorn Hack 2: Null, Undefined, Symbol, in JavaScript


  1. Open a new cell and set its type to Code.

  2. Create a variable nullVar and set it to null.

  3. Create a variable undefinedVar and leave it uninitialized.

  4. Create a variable symbolVar and set it to a new Symbol with a description of your choice. [EX: let myRPG = Symbol("Pokemon");]

  5. Output all three variables to the console using console.log().


let nullVar = null;
let undefinedVar;
let symbolVar = Symbol("symbol");

<IPython.core.display.Javascript object>