Setting up the project

  1. Clone the project from the main, base repository using the template (found at portfolio_2025). This should also pull the dependencies for the game:
    • _config.yaml: Reference navigation/ for navigation.
    • assets/js/rpg/: Contains the JavaScript files for the game.
    • images/rpg: Contains image assests for the game.
    • navigation/ File that loads the game on the site.
  2. Save all the files and test by runnning

    This should generate an output like this:

     (venv) root@ASOOSV2:~/nighthawk/lucas_2025# make
     Stopping server...
     Stopping logging process...
     Starting server...
     Server PID: 8481
     Terminal logging starting, watching server...
     Server started in 15 seconds
     Configuration file: /root/nighthawk/lucas_2025/_config.yml
     To use retry middleware with Faraday v2.0+, install `faraday-retry` gem
                 Source: /root/nighthawk/lucas_2025
         Destination: /root/nighthawk/lucas_2025/_site
     Incremental build: disabled. Enable with --incremental
         Remote Theme: Using theme jekyll/minima
                         done in 11.354 seconds.
                         Auto-regeneration may not work on some Windows versions.
                         Please see:
                         If it does not work, please upgrade Bash on Windows or run Jekyll with --no-watch.
     Auto-regeneration: enabled for '/root/nighthawk/lucas_2025'
             ** ERROR: directory is already being watched! **
             Directory: /root/nighthawk/lucas_2025/venv/lib
             is already being watched through: /root/nighthawk/lucas_2025/venv/lib
             MORE INFO:
         Server address:
     (venv) root@ASOOSV2:~/nighthawk/lucas_2025#